Friday, June 17, 2011

Has Abercrombie and Fitch Kids Gone Bonkers?

Walking around the aisles at your local children's clothing store this summer, have you noticed how the clothing makers have started describing clothes for little under-10s in a slightly unexpected way? Have you noticed for instance how mainstream articles of clothing under the Abercrombie and Fitch Kids label can lay it on a little thick when describing jeans for six-year-olds as “just the right kind to make your little kid look sexy and with the perfect butt”? What on earth is going on, and why do these clothing companies believe that anyone would want to see your children spoken of in this way?

What on earth is going on with Abercrombie and Fitch Kids? Actually, it would appear that they aren't trying to head for commercial suicide. There's been a survey done of popular clothing for little girls sold that mainstream clothing stores like Neiman Marcus and Aeropostale all over the country and they’ve found that more than 25% of all clothing available for tween girls is quite overtly sexualized. They make T-shirts with racy messages, they make very short shorts that are designed to show off their bottoms, and they make bikinis that show off their “figure” in a certain way.

Women's rights activists are worried that the mainstreaming of scandalously designed clothing (which you could define as clothing that is cut to reveal or show off certain parts of the body or that are made with suggestive prints) for very young girls is aimed at pushing back some of the advances that have been made in women's rights. Apparently, societal forces are trying to put women back in their place.

But girls to go to school and are presented with all the opportunities that are available to boys today aren't they? Even if they did learn from these cues that they were supposed to be objects of attraction, wouldn't  they get an education, a good job and then learn to respect themselves? Well, a big part of what makes children grow into a serious role in life comes from what they see is expected of them as they grow up. Study after study has found that children who wear revealing or suggestive clothing are regularly perceived as being less intelligent, less capable and less serious. Imagine the kind of effect it could have on a young child to have everyone around her think that she isn't capable. She is almost certainly going to grow up believing she isn't capable. Book after book today documents how society somehow seems to be completely determined to sexualize young children - serious scholarly books like The Lolita Effect: The Media Sexualization of Young Girls and What We Can Do About It by Meenakshi Gigi Durham, GIRLS GONE SKANK: The Sexualization of Girls in American Culture by Patrice A. Oppliger and The Sexualization of Childhood (Childhood in America) by Sharna Olfman routinely make it to the best seller list as they make people aware of what's going on.

Abercrombie and Fitch Kids for instance sells lots of push-up padded bikini tops for little girls. Stores that sell clothing for children are having to show clothing designers their distaste for this to reign them in. In the end, it depends on the parents. If parents show their distaste for this kind of trend, the brands will respond.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

How to Apply Make Up for your Wedding

Facial treatment should be done months before the wedding. This gives time for the face to rejuvenate and form a new layer. Having the facial treatment on the eve of the wedding will leave a taut irritable skin that may act up when you apply make up. Visit the spa a few months in advance for the treatment and then start your fitness and cleansing routine prior to the wedding. Take charge of your diet, drink the recommended amount of water, get sufficient rest and the skin will not fail you on your wedding day. On the morning of the big day, the procedure will be simple. You can hire a beautician or do it yourself because it only involves touch ups and light applications. The choice of products to use should be guided by the venue, time of the event and your skin. The basics like moisturizer, foundation and pencils can be the ones you have been using daily. Look for soft choices if the event is in the open and go for the broad ones if the wedding will be held inside or at night.

If you have a stylish gown, you can apply make up that is charming. If the gown is conservative, do not have a very artificial face. All this might be too hard to complete because of time or you will be late for the event. Therefore, you can practice this procedure a few days before the wedding and you will have the steps in your fingertips.

This will also eliminate any products that may irritate your face. When it comes to the application process, cleanse and moisturize the face. Dot the foundation and blend it with a sponge evenly. You should run the sponge to your neck so that the shade on the face matches the neck. If your gown is strapless, extend the sponge slightly over your upper chest. Take the powder brush and sponge it beginning from the hairline, down to around the ears, to the cheeks and back, then up again. Do this to the neck area. On the eyes, shape the eyebrow slightly with the eye liner. You can use the same shade to draw the lids. Apply make up base before the eye shadow to prevent gaps that may crack the look. Use the mascara on the eyes and coat them twice only. The motion should be away from your face. When complete, sweep over the closed eyelids with the eye brush to remove any clump on the mascara. Smear the lipstick evenly then use a lip liner to trace the outline of the lips. On the same note, use a white tissue to bloat the lips. Insert it between your lips and press your lips together slightly. You can assemble the essentials like lip balm and blusher for use during the photo session and your maid of honor will help you carry this. Do not forget the wet wipes; you might get teary.